Join over 4,800 satisfied students with Learn to Read the Hebrew Alphabet in Two Weeks. This series of video explanations, exercises and reviews takes you through the letters and vowels of the alphabet with some humor and plenty of review!
Student questions and comments are visible – you are not just learning Hebrew, you are joining a community of learners.
Classical Hebrew One is our most popular Hebrew language course! Lessons include the formation of nouns and adjectives, the present tense (aka participle) verb forms, basic prepositions and how vowels can be your best friend.
The second level course, Classical Hebrew 2, covers all the verb forms in the Qal (aka Paal) binyan, builds up vocabulary, and introduces text study techniques.
The third level course is “under construction!”
Learning to Leyn includes an 80+ pages handbook, along with two different trope tunes from which you can choose.
For more course details and seasonal coupons, see the Course Offerings page. To learn what “affordable” means, check out the FAQ!
About every other month I run free and very low cost ($18) webinars on aspects of biblical and prayer book Hebrew. I also offer longer webinar series on biblical scholarship. To join the notification email list, please click here.
I send out emails only about once a month and I never share your information with anyone!
For free videos on the history of Hebrew, interesting grammatical features, and learner’s material, check out my YouTube channel: Tamar’s Torah Playground.
For the best high end experience, I have a few time slots each week for private tutoring. To make this experience most affordable, gather a group of 2-4 people to learn together. Weekly hour-long tutoring is custom designed to your level and learning style. For inquiries and scheduling, contact me.
My name is Tamar Kamionkowski. I am a biblical scholar, a teacher, a mother, a dog owner, a DIYer and a sci-fi geek.
My life-long passion has been to bridge the worlds of biblical scholarship and contemporary Jewish life. I have been training rabbinical students in classical Hebrew and Bible (aka Tanach) for over 25 years.
I developed these resources for one simple reason: adults who want to access the Hebrew Bible and prayer book in its original have few affordable, accessible and rigorous options that I would feel good about recommending. So I hope to fill this gap.